Work From Home (WFH), previously seen as a perk for some fortunate office workers, has – overnight - become a way of life for major segments of our economy. Organizations and employers suddenly need new ways to check in on the health and well-being of their staff as well as to support their ability to be effective in their jobs in a new, remote work environment. One-on-one check-ins via video or phone are ideal but may not be practical at the frequency needed under these extraordinary circumstances. Your existing BoxScore subscription can give you a big assist!
And to help support all the other organizations suddenly impacted by this new reality, we’re also offering a free 30-day BoxScore subscription for your “WFH” use.
How Does It Work?
The quick, real-time feedback aspect of BoxScore allows you to hear from your staff as frequently as you wish, even daily. It will take them only 30 seconds or so to let you know how they’re doing. An immediate email notification to the supervisor can be triggered if a staff member responds with concerning feedback (below your specified level). Supervisors can also scan their dashboard regularly for insights and trends regarding their full team.
BoxScore’s “2 question + comment” format is user-customizable but click here to try out an an example of how a quick check-in with each team member might be framed.
There are several ways to request this feedback from your staff:
An automated email sent from BoxScore on a set frequency (e.g., every day at 3pm),
A supervisor uses BoxScore to initiate an email to her entire team. as requested, or
Each employee is provided with a link or QR code with specific instructions on how often to complete this quick check-in.
Click here if you need any help setting up this simple check-in under your existing BoxScore account.
Or click here to start your free 60 day BoxScore subscription for your “WFH” use.
Send us a quick email at