We transform engagement through formative, real-time feedback.
BoxScore brings you a simple, real-time engagement tool – to create and sustain a healthy, formative feedback culture where clients are fully engaged, where teams achieve their potential, and where people love to work.
Formative: ˈfȯr-mə-tiv; Capable of alteration by growth and development.
Learn more about how delayed feedback is hurting your organization and how to get it in real-time.
What we Do
Capture these two critical pieces of information in real-time to revolutionize your organization’s landscape
Boxscore use cases
Professional and Personal Services
A way to glean real-time visibility into your customers’ experiences and leverage that data into actionable intel.
Higher Education
Every class meeting is an opportunity to better understand and improve the way your students engage with the content.
Employee Engagement
Creating a culture where employees love their work is not only good for you and your employees, but also your customer.