Nonprofit Uses Real-Time Data to Improve Performance
At Goodwill Industries of Central and Southern Indiana, employees can use an internal hotline to call-in and ask questions. Historically, their Human Resources department had conducted an end-of-year survey to determine the satisfaction level of its internal customers, but they found once a year wasn’t enough.
They needed to capture satisfaction ratings after each HR case so if there was an issue, it could be addressed immediately. They also wanted to celebrate big wins as they happened, instead of waiting to learn about them from the yearly survey that was often months after the fact.
In a very short amount of time (less than one day) BoxScore set-up Goodwill with everything necessary to collect immediate feedback on each and every call. With BoxScore, they can now track which employee called, what team member helped them, and send out a BoxScore every day so the employee can evaluate the service.
● Access to performance trends by team member, case type, and summary level
● Ability to answer the question “how’s your team doing,” with a clear, data-driven response
● Enables negative incidents to be quickly identified and resolved before turning into a larger issue
“We don’t want to be the best we can be next year. We want to be the best we can be today. BoxScore helps us do just that. -Director of HR, Goodwill Industries
Need Another Complex Report? We didn’t think so.
In a world searching for wisdom yet drowning in information, BoxScore is a straightforward yet powerful measurement of employee performance. The simplicity and real-time nature of the BoxScore solution drives a significantly higher than industry average response rate of 40%. Easy to read yet powerful graphical reporting enables quick analysis and rapid decision making.
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